

Mademoiselle Très Belle is a blog hoping to inform and engage readers into the fashion industry. From runway analysis to the most current fashion news, Mademoiselle Très Belle has it covered.

The creator of Mademoiselle Très Belle, Brooklyn Bass, created the website to begin exposing her talents to the fashion industry. Evidently, Bass is a teenager — at an age where the work force — by law — cannot hold opportunity. She hopes that her humble beginnings will lead to a future career. In fact, Brooklyn Bass’ love for fashion wrapped in her local award-winning writing skills, prevents any doubt proposing that Bass’ opportunity isn’t just around the corner.

3 Responses to “About”
  1. afroblush says:

    Are you on bloglovin’? its where I catch all the blogs I read, would like to add you to it!

    • Yes, I am on bloglovin’! To add me you can simply go on the blog’s homepage and find the bloglovin’ widget. From there, you can follow the blog whenever, and thanks for reading! I really appreciate it!

  2. zkv says:

    And what is your name Mademoiselle?

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